Real-time parking officer reporting tool
Spot an officer, open ParkPatrol and click Send Alert! It's easy and satisfying knowing you've contributed to the community not to the pockets of the municipality or council. If you have another 5 minutes, wait and report the officer a second time from a new location. Made a mistake? Just "Shake to Delete"!
ParkPatrol maps all enforcement officer reports using our own system of servers and databases, so when the community acts together we become a powerful data gathering and reporting tool. We call this system CRWD POWER - a groundbreaking community based infrastructure designed to help you stay one step ahead of parking tickets.

Early warning parking officer alert tool
Once parked, start ParkPatrol and click the green button. Set your time and range to cover your car. The confirmation is a car icon on the map. Now relax. Close the ParkPatrol app and keep your iPhone near by. Audible alerts will be sent to your phone and will pop up as a notification! Clicking an alert takes you straight to ParkPatrol's map to see the exact reported location. You may never have to pay parking tickets again.
Parked car locator
Just a single click on ParkPatrol reveals where your car was parked and when the parking timer will expire. When that timer expires, are you going to walk or run back to that car? This is the ParkPatrol advantage to help you avoid parking tickets. Would you rather pay for something you need, or pay parking fines?
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for more help.

Build your own ParkPatrol Community
Because ParkPatrol works best within a community, such as employees, residents, or students. We've prepared printable flyers, stcikers and posters to help you out.
Need more people in your area using ParkPatrol? Run a campaign! Write to your newspaper, television and radio. Post flyers in the student union, in your employee break room, at the local cafe. Drop them into mailboxes, slide them under windshield wipers or email them around.